Saturday, 6 November 2010

It's Been A While

It's been a while since time stood still,
Since the rain hit my window sill,
I sit perched in a lingering thought,
In search of the reality or fantasy I forgot,
The merging lines of definition,
Seemed to be a flawless addition;

It's been a while since the clouds were shaped,
Since I picked and pointed random gates,
Wondering which path to pick,
Spinning a random stick,
Following the unknown night,
Wishing that choice was right;

It's been a while since I found,
The words to depict my sounds,
A peek into the mind of frazzle,
Where nothing would dazzle,
And pitch dark coldness would encase,
The thoughts of another taste;

It's been a while since a cold foggy night,
Rolled in hovering over street lights,
The chill shivered quietly in the corner,
Wondering how much longer,
And wishing for the warm,
To take away from the brewing storm;

It's been a while since reminiscence,
Since memories ran self sufficient,
Like a slide show in my mind,
Not pausing to find,
Any detail or line,
And in itself we lost time...


  1. loove it putuswak : )

  2. oh gosh.. you're on blogspot! :D (ofcourse you'd be)
    I love this poem btw, very smooth. : )

    guess who?
